Monday, 19 February 2007

Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy

Review by: John J. Casper

ANATOMY OF DECEIT is an extremely accessible 150-page introduction to Traitor gate. The chapter titles provide a window into the mastery that Marcy Wheeler brings to this material: 16 Words [September 2002 - March 2003]; Deconstructing Judy [March - July 2003]; Truth and Consequences [July 2003]; The Beltway Insider [July - October 2003]; Beat the Press [January 2004 - July 2005]; The Spin Doctor [September 2003 - August 2006]; The Fall Guy [September 2005 - December 2006].

Written in flawlessly clear prose, the novice needs no prior experience with Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Valerie Plame, and the invasion of Iraq to understand the story or its importance. A time line is provided that all readers will find invaluable. Readers, who are familiar with the story, will relish the rich detail provided by the excellent endnotes. The end notes are consecutively numbered from start to finish, so the reader does not have to remember the chapter number, to find it in the notes. Perhaps a second edition will include a bibliography and even more importantly, an index, but these concerns are small against such a worthwhile and timely book. ANATOMY OF DECEIT will receive very strong consideration for a Pulitzer.

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